
Friday, November 15, 2013

Reflections on Typhoon Yolanda

Do you ever wonder why God spared you in this tough times? Maybe He's showing you an opportunity to reach out and help our Kababayans in this terrible times. Just like what Jesus said in Luke 3:11, "The man with two tunics should share with him who has none and the one who has food should do the same". 

We should start to think of others and have compassion to those who are victims of the recent calamities. Donate foods or used clothes if you can. Don't think that these actions are too small and irrelevant to solve the problem because if you, me and the entire Filipino people would do just a single act of kindness, it can make a huge impact and can go a very long way. 

Act and be a blessing not just by words but with works. May we reflect God's radiance in this dark times.

God Bless us.


*photo by